The sages teach that the world began with prayer. Until God and Adam communicated there was no fulfillment of Adam’s needs for survival and glorifying God. In fact, God’s created universe stood waiting for humanity’s birth on the sixth day. Only after Adam prayed for rain did the earth come forth with its bounty. Prayer […]
Kabbalistic Teachings of the Female Prophets, The Seven Holy Women of Ancient Israel,
By admin in Kabbalistic Teachings of the Female Prophets, Zoh's Books Tags: illumination, initiation, Kabbalah, Kabbalistic
The spiritual teachings of Israel’s biblical prophetesses from a kabbalistic perspective: – Explores the lives and symbolic significance of seven female prophets: Sarah, Miriam, Devorah, Chanah, Avigail, Chuldah, and Esther – Uses the gematria of Jewish metaphysics to demonstrate that prophecy is a mystical initiatory path by which Divine Will is made known, not only […]
Revolutions Radio Interviews Zoh About Her New Book
By admin in Featured Homepage Items, The Future of Human Experience, Zoh in the Media, Zoh's Books Tags: healing, illumination, initiation, Kabbalah, Kabbalistic
Revolutions Radio hosted by Robert Pepino featured guest Zohara Hieronimus, talking with him about The Future of Human Experience. Originally aired on September 6, 2013, Friday, 11PM-1AM Eastern