The body and prophecy are inseparable just as the soul of the Prophet and closeness to the Creator, are fashioned in partnership. Prophecy is intended for correcting of behavior, prediction of the future, or to avert danger from a threat to national defense or natural disasters. Study of Torah (the word of God), and practicing […]
Prophecy: Supreme Language of the Soul
Prophecy distinguishes itself from all other arts and intuitive talents. It delegates to the Prophet an unequalled status among their peers as the Creator’s representative. They are found to be of good character, wise judgment, merciful hearts, righteous and diligent in study, teaching, and practice of their faith. Prophecy as the supreme language of the […]
Kabbalah – The Creator’s Blue Print
The Torah is the Creator’s blueprint for creation; Kabbalah’s Etz Chayim its decoding map for understanding the secrets of the written and oral teaching of the Torah. The map represents Adam Kadmon, the primordial man from which all of the worlds originate. “This Adam Kadmon acts as a filter through which the light of the […]
Moses and Torah
Mt. Sinai– Communal Receiving of “The Book” At the receiving of Torah all of those present reached a state of Prophetic consciousness, hearing the same words uttered by the Creator through Moses, the greatest Prophet of all. While it is true that Moses heard things others did not, they all heard the word of God […]